片名:贖罪 Atonement (Abbitte)
導演:喬懷特 Joe Wright (傲慢與偏見的導演)
演員:凱拉奈莉 Keira Knightley
詹姆斯麥艾維 James McAvoy
"Dear Cecilia, you'd be forgiven for thinking me mad, the way I acted this afternoon. The truth is, I feel rather lightheaded and foolish in your presence, Cee, and I don't think I can blame the heat. Will you forgive me?"
- It was a mistake.
- Briony read it.
- My God! It was the wrong version.
- Yes.
- It was never meant to be read.
- No.
- What was in the version I was meant to read?
- I don't know. It's more formal. Less......
- Anatomical?
- Yes.
- You saw him?
- Yes, I saw him.
- Just as you seem me?
- I know it was him.
- You know it was him? or you saw him?
- Yes, I did. I saw him.
- With your own eyes?
- Yes, I saw hime. I saw him with my own eyes.
這個指控導致了一個家庭的碎裂,Robbie進入了監獄,之後加入了軍隊,死在軍隊終於得以撤離的那天;Cecilia則從此與她的家庭決裂,跑到醫院擔任護士,最後死在被水淹沒的地下道中。They both went through exremely difficult times and eventually painful ending, seperatedly and alone.
- No matter how hard I work, no matter how long the hours, I can't escape from what I did and what it meant,
the full extent of which I'm only now beginning to grasp.
- Your brain closes down, graduately you lose words, you lose your memeory, which for a writer is pretty much the point.
So...that's why I could finally write the book, I think. I had to.
- I got the first-hand account of all the events I didn't personally witness, the condition in prison, the exacuation to Dunkirk,
everything. But the effect of all this honesty is rather pitiless. You see, I couldn't any longer imagine what purposes would be
served by it.
- by what? Honesty?
- Honesty or ...Reality.
答案是否定的。再多的彌補到頭來事實上都是可笑而無用的,因為錯誤已經造成,而後果也已經降臨,世界繼續在轉動,一個人無能為力、不行也無法改變過去和已被犯下的罪惡 ,以及已被錯誤傷害的人。
- If I fall in, would you save me?
- Of course.
- Thank you!!!Thank you!!! Thank you!!!!
- That's incredibaly blody stuid thing to do.
- I wanted you to save me.
- Don't you know how easily you could have drownded?
- You save me.
- Stupid Child! You could have killed us both!
Is that your idea of a joke?
- I wanted to thank you for saving my life.
I will be eternally grateful to you.
我想Robbie會在這個時候想起這段往事,應該是在思索到底Briony要這麼對他。爾後在醫院當中,Briony向Feona坦承她會這麼做是會了測試她喜歡的人到底會不會救她,也就是說當時的他是喜歡著Robbie的,但卻無法在Cecilia和Robbie中間找到她的位置,許多人因而認為Briony後來會說謊讓Robbie被關進監獄是基於"嫉妒",但如同後來她與Feona的談話,當她向他告白完之後愛情的感覺就消失了,因此我不甚同意這種說法,因此我也不認為Briony 當時說的是謊言,雖不是事實但也並非謊言,因為她說的的確就是她所相信的。
- Do you have any idea what it's like in jail? Of course, you don't.
Tell me, did it give you pleasure to think of me inside?
- No.
- But you did nothing about it?
- No.
- Do you think I assaulted you cousin?
- No.
- Did you think it then?
- Yes. But yes and no.
- And what has made you so certain now?
- Growing up.
- Growing up?
- I was 13.
- How do you have to be to know the difference between right and wrong?
What are you, 18?
Do you have to be 18 before you can bring yourself to own up to a lie?
There are soldiers of 18, old enough to be left to die by the side of the road, did you know that?
- Yes.
- Five years ago, you didn't care about telling the truth.
You, all your family, you just assumed that for all my edication, I was still little better than a servant.
Still not to be trusted!
Thanks to you, they were able to close ranks and throw me to the fucking wolves.
- I am really really sorry.
I am really really sorry for what i did and what it caused.
- Write it down, just the truth, no rythms, no embellishments, no adjectives. And then leave us be.
- I will. I promise.
但,這就必須要說到我認為作者甚或是導演想傳達的意象,那就是:"Storyteller manipulates people's live in the fiction"
因此,Happying Ending到了這裡,已經不是作者軟弱地尋求解脫和救贖的方式,而是一種幫助的表現,正如同Briony自己所說,這是一種"act of kindness"
- My sister and Robbie were never able to have the time together they both so longed for, and deserved. Ever since I've always felt
I prevented. But what sense of hope, or satisfation, could a reader derive from an ending like that?
So in the book, I wanted to give them what they lost out on in life. I'd like to think this isn't weakness or evasion,
but a final act of kindness. I gave them ther happiness.
事實上我在看這部電影之前是有偏見的,因為這部片的導演正是新版Pride and Prejudice的導演,基於許多理由,我實在沒有辦法喜歡新版Pride and prejudice,因此在看這部電影時,我一直是抱著批判的角度去看的。但這個故事本身對我來說真的很震憾,一個探討謊言及其所帶來的終身impact--不管是對受害人還是說謊的人自己,而Keira Knightley和James McAvoy所飾演的男女主角更是讓這個故事更具說服力,她們之間始終張力十足。
The story can resume.
Our story can resume. I will simply resume.
The one I've been planning on that evening walk.
I can become again the man who once crossed the Surrey park at dusk in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life.
The man, with the clarity of passion made love to you in the library.
The story can resume.
I will return.
Find you, love you, marry you.
And live without shame.